Event Chatter and Garb Discussion

There is so much to update you all with! I have finished my first set of garb, attended two regional events and courts, met the Queen of the Midlands, and gained a teacher.

The first event I attended was mainly focused on archery, and I got to shoot a little bit. I also met my teacher's Pelican, and a couple of the local Barons. It was a bigger event than I was expecting, and I loved every second of it. We got up around dawn to head to the event, which was a two and a half hour drive away, and stayed until after sunset. It was a long day, but I really appreciated the time spent with my teacher, and the time to shoot! I definitely want to pursue archery. I met so many people, as well, it was hard to keep track of everybody. Despite being a bit overwhelming, it was so much fun to be able to be out in my garb, and to learn so much about the SCA and the hierarchy within it, as well as meeting much of the local peerage. One of the things my teacher mentioned as we were in between introductions was that folk from the time period we are both interested in (roughly 1000 A.D. Anglo-Saxon) often kept pouches with the tools and items they used most. It occurred to me that knowing what would be kept in my pouch would go a long way to understanding my persona better.

The second event was a much smaller event local to a barony a couple hours drive north of me, but it was also very fulfilling. I spent much of the day sewing, and I bought a lucet and some threat, in addition to period scissors and a bone needle case to keep in my pouch. Since much of my interest lies in threadwork, I know that Maerwynn will also enjoy threadwork, and will need the needles and the scissors. The lucet I bought as a way to pass time. There was also an archery contest at this event, and I participated, although I didn't do very well. In addition to archery, there was a thrown weapons range, and I got my first practice at throwing knives and darts. It turns out I'm much better at throwing darts, but I think I enjoy throwing knives much more. At this event, I met my teacher's Laurel and his wife, and we all went out for dinner afterwards. It was nice to be so welcomed by such a wonderful group of people.

On to the garb: when I began my last fitted underdress, I used a Simplicity pattern. It was my first time sewing anything with that many panels and pieces, and it turned out all wonky. I cut it out way too large to begin with, and then as I pinned it down and fitted it, I pinned it in an asymmetrical way that lead to my seams being wonky as well. It fits, and it's perfectly serviceable, but it is no where near the level that I'd truly like to have my garb. This time, I'm using a Recreating History pattern. It is my hope to have both the underdress and the Norse apron dress completed by the next event, which is in two weeks. Considering I have this time off of school, and many of my evenings are free, I hope to be able to get this accomplished. Eventually, I'd also like to be able to embroider a trim on the cuffs and edges of the underdress and the Norse apron gown. I think it'll be a nice touch.

I began by first making a mock up of the underdress in a cheap fabric I had on hand. I made the mistake of not doing so last time, and paid for it. The mockup went smoothly, and I know the adjustments I need to make to make the gown fit. I sized it correctly this time, too, so I won't have awkward, non HA seams everywhere. It'll be a much better fit than the last one, too, I think. I'm excited to get started on the actual gown! I'll make the undergown first, as I'll need to change the layer next to my skin more frequently. I should technically have a shift under it all as well, but I will absolutely overheat in that many layers.

Even if I don't finish the norse apron gown in time for the next event, it'll be good to have the undergown finished. Hopefully it'll turn out better than the last one! *knocks on wood* Here goes nothing!
